21-23 január
GIS Ostrava 2013. Geoinformatics for City Transformations. Ostrava, Česká republika. http://gis.vsb.cz/gisostrava
21-26 január
IPBES 1, First Plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Bonn, Nemecko. http://www.ipbes.net/plenary/ipbes-1.html
13-15 február
Nature and Governance – Biodiversity Data, Science, and Policy Interface. Berlín, Nemecko. http://www.eubon.eu/symposium
19-20 február
How to push the implementation of the European Green Belt by landscape
policy instruments? Viedeň, Rakúsko. http://www.europeangreenbelt.org/
20-21 február
Mountains under Watch 2013 - MUW13. Aosta Valley, Italy. http://www.muw2013.it/
4-5 marec
2013’ Visegrad Conference on Common Environmental Problems. Praha. e-mail:
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5-10 marec
European Space Expo. Bratislava. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/space/expo/index_en.htm
6-8 marec
FORECOM Opening Conference - Forest cover change in mountain regions - drivers, trajectories and implications. Krakow, Poľsko. http://www.gis.geo.uj.edu.pl/forecom/index.html
13-14 marec
Conservation of steppe and semidesert ecosystems in Eurasia. Almaty, Kazachstan. www.acbk.kz
16-17 marec
Spatial transformations in Central Europe in XXI century. Konferencia. Kyjev, Ukrajina. Info:
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18-20 marec
European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013. Hamburg, Nemecko. http://eccaconf.eu/index.php/page/ECCA
19-20 marec
Ekológia trávneho porastu VIII. Banská Bystrica. Info:
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22-23 marec
Flood Protection and Heritage Conservation on Rivers and Streams. Drážďany, Nemecko. http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/ fakultaet_architektur/ibad/tagunghws2013
24-26 marec
BIOVISION 2013. From Life Sciences to Sciences for Life. Lyon, Francúzsko. http://www.biovision.org/biovision-2013.html
26-28 marec
Intersol 2013. International conference-exhibition on Soils, Sediments and Water. Lyon, Francúzsko. http://www.intersol.fr/
1-7 apríl
Geographical and Geoecological Research of Ukraine and Adjacent Territories. II. International scientific conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists. Simferopol, Ukrajina. Info:
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7-12 apríl
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013. Viedeň, Rakúsko. http://www.egu2013.eu/
Session: Response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change: Results from experimental manipulations.
8-10 apríl
First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geo-information of Environment. Paphos, Cyprus. http://www.cyprusremotesensing.com/rscy2013
8-11 apríl
European Vegetation Survey. 22th Workshop of the IAVS Working Group. Rím, Taliansko. http://www.scienzadellavegetazione.it/22th_workshopEVS2013/index.jsp
9-12 apríl
UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference „Economic assessment of desertification, sustainable land management and resilience of arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas“. Bonn, Nemecko. http://2sc.unccd.int/home/
11-12. apríl
Investing in Innovative Research for Nature and our livelihoods:
Strengthening the research strategy to reinforce the ERA on Biodiversity. EPBRS workshop, Brusel, Belgicko. http://www.epbrs.org/event/list
15-18 apríl
ALTER-Net Conference 2013: Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. Ghent, Belgicko. http://www.alter-net.info/outputs/conf-2013
16-18 apríl
Jezera a mokřady ve zbytkových jamách po těžbě nerostů. Most, Česká republika. http://www.cspe.cz/sites/default/files/most
17-20 apríl
International Symposium on Wood Structure in Plant Biology and Ecology. Neapol, Taliansko. http://www.wse2013.com/
17-20 apríl
LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum 2013. Rím, Taliansko. Http://www.le-notre.org/public/calendar-detail.php?event_id=514&cal_page=3
22-24 apríl
Food and Environment 2013. Budapešť, Maďarsko. http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/food-and-environment-2013.html
23-26 apríl
Challenges and opportunities in Carpathian protected areas. 2nd Carpathian Network of Protected Areas Conference. Tatranská Javorina. Info:
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29 apríl -
- 3. máj
Natural Disturbance: Post-Modern Lessons for Land Managers on Some Important Ecological Processes. Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, Neuschönau, Germany. (http://www.nationalparkbayerischerwald.de/nationalpark/forschung/ conference/index.htm)
1-4 máj
New Model Systems for Linking Evolution and Ecology. EMBO/EMBL Symposium. Heidelberg, Nemecko. http://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2013/EES13-01/index.html
2-4 máj
Landscape and Imagination – Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world. Paríž, Francúzsko. http://www.uniscape.eu/pageNews.php?idCont=1413&lang=en&tit=International%20Conference%20%22Landscape%20and%20Imagination%22
13-15 máj
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition. Rím, Taliansko. http://www.fao.org/forestry/food-security/en/
13-16 máj
HydroEco 2013. 4. International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: Emerging Patterns, Breakthroughs and Challenges. Rennes, Francúzsko. http://osur.univ-rennes1.fr/HydroEco2013/
13-16 máj
8th Annual International Symposium on Environment. Atény, Grécko. http://www.atiner.gr/environment.htm
14-17 máj
Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe. 16 AGILE conference. Leuven, Belgicko. http://agile.gis.geo.tu-dresden.de/web/index.php/conference/conference-2013
17-19 máj
5th International Symposium of Geography Landscapes: Perception, Knowledge, Awareness and Action. Bucharest – Giurgiu, Romania. Info:
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21-24 máj
Mountain Protected Areas in a Changing World. Špindlerův Mlýn, Česká republika. http://konference.krnap.cz/konference/1/informace/
21-24 máj
Biohydrology Conference 2013: Bio meets Hydrology. Landau/Pfalz, Nemecko. http://www.biohydrology2013.de/
21-24 máj
Water in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance. Indicators, Thresholds and Uncertainties of the Global Water System. GWSP int. conference, Bonn, Nemecko. http://www.gwsp.org/conference2013.html
24-31 máj
10th European Dry Grassland Meeting (EDGM) When theory meets practice: conservation and restoration of grasslands. Zamość, Poland. http://www.edgg.org/edgg_meeting_2013.html
27-29 máj
6th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning. Kos, Grécko. http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-development-and-planning-2013.html
27-29 máj
Climate Change and Regional Response (CCRR-2013). Impacts and adaptation strategies for public, commercial and private actors. Drážďany, Nemecko. http://www.regklam.de/1/ccrr-2013/
27-30 máj
Impacts World 2013 – International Conference on Climate Change Effects. Potsdam, Nemecko. http://www.climate-impacts-2013.org/
29 máj
Krajina – ekológia, využívanie a ochrana (súčasnosť a trendy vo výskume
a monitoringu krajiny). Konferencia, UMB Banská Bystrica. Info:
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30-31 máj
Aktuálne problémy krajinnej architektúry a krajinného plánovania. Konferencia, Bratislava.Info:
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1-3 jún
11th WSEAS International Conference on Environment, Ecosystems and Development (EED '13). Brasov, Rumunsko. http://www.wseas.org/wseas/cms.action?id=3791
2-9 jún
Primeval Beech Forests: Reference Systems for the Management and Conservation of Biodiversity, Forest Resources and Ecosystem Services. Ľvov, Ukrajina. http://www.wsl.ch/dienstleistungen/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/beech_forests/index_EN
7-11 jún
Ecology and Safety 2013, 22nd International Symposium. Sofia, Bulharsko. http://www.sciencebg.net/en/events/symposiums/ecology-and-safety/
10-12 jún
5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas. Mittersill, Salzburg, Rakúsko. www.hohetauern.at/symposium2013
10-13. jún
LuWQ2013 — International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality: Reducing Effects of Agriculture. Haag, Holandsko. http://www.luwq2013.nl/
18-20 jún
9th International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (ECOSUD 2013). Bukurešť, Rumunsko. http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/ecosud-2013.html
18-21 jún
Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. European Society for Ecological Economics Conference. Lille, Francúzsko. http://www.euroecolecon.org/esee-2013-ecological-economics-and-institutional-dynamics/
19 jún
LCLUC Science in the SCERIN Region: Current Focus and Future Directions. – Praha. http://www.fao.org/gtos/gofc-gold/net-SEERIN.html
26-30 jún
56th IAVS Symposium. Vegetation patterns and their underlying processes. Tartu, Estonia. http://iavs2013.ut.ee
27-28 jún
Landscape Observatories in Europe. From the ELC Recommendations to the Local Initiatives (2000-2013). Florencia. Taliansko. http://www.uniscape.eu/pageImg.php?idCont=1493&idSez=16&idlink=55&lang=en
2-5 júl
GI_FORUM 2013 - Creating the GISociety, Salzburg, Austria. www.gi-forum.org
3-6 júl
35th meeting of Eastern Alpine and Dinaric Society for Vegetation Ecology. Ohrid, Macedónsko. http://eadsve.zrc-sazu.si/; http://www.manu.edu.mk/news-events
4-7 júl
Sustainability, Society and the Environment: Searching for Synergies. Brighton, UK. http://ecsee.iafor.org/
15-18 júl
Annual International Conference on Ecology, Ecosystems and Climate Change. Atény, Grécko. http://www.atiner.gr/ecology.htm
15-19 júl
Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions. Spoločný kongres AESOP a ACSP. Dublin, Írsko. http://aesop-acspdublin2013.com/
25-27 júl
Progress in urban ecology and ecological challenges in urban development. 1st Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology. Berlín, Nemecko. http://surecongress2013.org/
18-23 august
INTECOL 11. Ecology: Into the next 100 years. Londýn, Veľká Británia. http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/
1-5 september
ClimTree 2013: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests. Zurich, Švajčiarsko. www.climtree2013.org
8-13 September
First EMBO Conference on Aquatic Microbial Ecology: SAME13. Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Taliansko. http://www.same13.eu/
9-12 september
Changing European Landscapes: Landscape Ecology, local to global. IALE2013 European Congress. Manchester, Veľká Británia. http://www.iale2013.eu/
9-13 september
European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium. Edinburgh, Škótsko. http://www.livingplanet2013.org/index.asp
11-13 september
Environmental Management and Adaptation Strategies. Skalica. Kontakt:
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Geografia a integrovaný výskum krajiny. Ružomberok. Kontakt
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12-15 september
Problems and perspectives of hilly-mountain areas. Ohrid, Macedónsko. http://ohrid2013.igeografija.mk. E-mail: mgs.symposium@ gmail.com
13-17 september
11. Arachnologická konferencia. Východná. Info:
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16-19 september
Towards Engineering Harmony between Biogeosphere and Society. Lodz, Poland. Info:
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16-19 september
20th International Conference of Environmental Indicators (ICEI 2013). Trier, Nemecko. http://www.icei2013.com/
24-26 september
SOMED2013. 36th International Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease. Košice. http://www.somed2013.org/SOMED2013
24-26 september
2nd BiodiversityKnowledge conference. Berlín, Nemecko. http://www.biodiversityknowledge.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=76&Itemid=240
29 september – 3 október
Open Landscapes 2013 - Ecology, Management and Nature Conservation. Hildesheim, Nemecko. http://www.open-landscapes2013.de/
3-4 október
2nd International Conference 2013 "Science for the Environment - Environment for Society". Aarhus, Dánsko. http://dce-conference.au.dk/
4-10 október
10th World Wilderness Congress. Salamanca, Spain. http://www.wild.org/main/world-wilderness-congress/
6-10 október
IUFRO konferencia Ecological services – science and practice. Smolenice. Http://www.uke.sav.sk
8-11 október
ABIC Sibiu 2013 — Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference. Sibiu, Rumunsko. Http://stiinte.ulbsibiu.ro/aquatic_biodiversity_conference
24 október
Historické mapy. Bratislava. Info:
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14 november
Krajinnoekologický výskum historických prvkov agrárnej krajiny. Bratislava. www.krajinnaekologia.sk,
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14-15 november
Shrinking Cities I Expanding Landscapes. Edinburgh, Škótsko. http://expandinglandscapes.wordpress.com/
19-21 marec
Land Transformations: Between Global Challenges and Local Realities. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting. Humboldt University, Berlin. Http://www.glp-osm2014.org/
21-25 máj
7th Planta Europa Conference. Kréta, Grécko. http://www.plantaeuropa.org
13-17 júl
BIOGEOMON 2014. Bayreuth, Nemecko. http://www.bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de/biogeomon2014/
Convention on Biological Diversity COP12. Južná Kórea
5-10 júl
9th IALE World Congress. Portland, OR, USA. http://www.landscape-ecology.org/index.php?id=73&tx_ttnews[backPid]=2&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=8&cHash=3bde4f8b05b786d76534dc6a423822f0
2015 World Forestry Congress. Durban, Južná Afrika